Preparing for Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Wednesday, April 12, 2017
Sleeve gastrectomy is a permanent weight loss surgery option that shrinks your stomach to help you lose weight. It’s a less invasive procedure compared to gastric bypass surgery as it doesn’t involve a reconstruction of your intestinal tract. with a lot of thought, I have decided to have Gastric sleeve surgery. And Im having the surgery in exactly 2 weeks. 

This decision did not come easy. Unfortunately my job does not cover weight-loss surgery so I decided to do something a little different. Im going to have my procedure performed overseas. Im using a company called alighterme and they specialize in medical tourism. The hospital  perform over 200 procedures a month and have great reviews so im going to have my procedure done through them. 

Luckily for me my boyfriend is in the medical field so he will be able to take care of if I need him. I just started my 2 week diet to prepare for the procedure. And on 25th of this  month the surgery will take place. And of ourse I will provide updates each step of the way : ) 


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