Lose weight by choosing the right food

Monday, December 3, 2012
Losing weight requires a perfect combination of diet and fitness program. To get a real weigh loss you need to take of your grocery and kick off the addiction for candies. Proper diet and exercise will result in enhanced metabolism and help you to achieve your goal of shedding kilos. Adding some great foods in the diet you can expect better results of your weight loss program. A good way of controlling the calorie intake is having a low-cal large salad. It is the sheer volume of salad that makes you feel full and reduce the urge of eating more. Studies have revealed that people having one salad per day contain high levels of folic acid, lycopene, carotenoids and vitamins C and E and they are better disease fighters than others. A breakfast with egg makes you feel fullers for quite a longer period of time, prevents spikes in blood sugar and thereby reduces craving for food. Eggs are highly rich in protein and the egg white is great for all those who are looking to shed weight.

 Beans are great in helping in keeping the blood sugar level perfect so that staving off hunger for a longer time becomes easy. Apart from helping you losing weight beans are aids in lowering your cholesterol level. The antioxidants present in Green Tea speed up our metabolism and the rate of burning fat. The people having green tea have found a significant reduction in their body weight and level of cholesterol and a boost in metabolism as well. Pears are great for filling your stomach and they come with high pectin fiber. According to researches people having pears in their diet lost more weight that those who had other items in meals. Taking soup is a great way of filling your stomach and it acts as appetite blunting item. You can satisfy your hunger even with the simplest of soups. Keep lean beef in diet for shedding weight. The amino acid that is abundant in meat helps you lose weight while maintaining calorie-burning muscle. The women who have lean beef in diet lose more weight than others and have fewer hunger pangs.

Cinnamon play a good role in losing weight by keeping a control on post-meal spikes of insulin and does not let you feel hungry. Vinegar makes your tummy feel fuller and reduces the tendency to eat more. Eating bread dipped in Vinegar you can shed more fat than ever. To curb your appetite you can take a breakfast that contains high-fiber cereal. The magic ingredient capsaicin hot red pepper can help to suppress appetite and lose weight. It has been seen that taking Grapefruit before meal or drinking juice of the fruit people can shed more than who do not have Grapefruit in their diet. Including Peanuts in your diet you can consume less at subsequent meals also get a boost in metabolism. Tofu, the appetite-quashing protein is effective in reducing the appetite and people having Tofu in their diet eat less food than others. Extra virgin olive oil in food helps to boost the metabolism and aids in getting rid of unwanted fat.

Sandeep Arora is a senior chef who has been working as the Chief Chef in the top hotels of India for twelve years now. He has written many articles on restaurants noida. In this article he is providing us with some valuable information on how to lose weight by choosing the right food.

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